Tuesday, March 17, 2009

In Paris, men can wear pink and still be men.

Rugby. The word just evokes thoughts of beastly men with scrapes and stitches all over their faces, taped up fingers, who growl at anyone in their path. Kind of like a… dinosaur?

I went to a rugby game here in Paris, and even though the Paris team sports bright pink and blue, the men are no less men and no less beasts. If their ferocity is doubted as a result of their jersey colors, I spotted a poster for one of the games that eradicates such doubts. On the poster were two of the rugby players with a Tyrannosaurus Rex right in between them. I’m sure all those who were on the fence about seeing a Paris rugby game were completely convinced after seeing the poster. I want to see a dinosaur with burly men in pink, who doesn’t? Their marketing agents definitely know what lures spectators.

I also went to a ballet at the Palais Garnier, an absolutely astonishing opera house. The ballet was “Le Parc” by Angelin Preljocaj, and it was a mix between the classic ballet and modern dance. I was on the first level balcony (there must have been 10), and I had a perfect view of the orchestra pit. That was my favorite part. I could watch the musicians, see their expressions when one messed up and the other looked over and laughed, I could see some violinists swaying and getting wrapped up in the music. Oh it was just wonderful.

Last night, I went to dinner with a friend at one of those wonderful student cafeterias (I really should take a picture of the stuff they serve us), then we bought boxes of cookies and walked around for a while. We ended up by l’Eglise de Saint Sulpice, which apparently played a big role in The DaVinci Code. It’s been under construction now for decades, according to my friends’ host mom who lives right near it. Apparently the financing for the restorations hasn’t been consistent, so the scaffolding stays up while no work is done. It’s kind of sad, half the church is covered. I’m sure it’d be an absolutely splendid church when seen in full view. For now, there rests a beautiful fountain in front for bored cookie-eaters to sit by, and creepy people walking the balconies at night who look like ghosts standing guard.

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